I order needles from Cam supply because it's easy, they have a huge selection, they're never out and they're cheap. I have heard a lot of people talk crap about the quality of their needles, but I inspect every needle with an eye loop before tattooing, and I have never found a bad needle from them. So either I have no idea what I'm looking for (which is not the case) or people are just assuming that they're bad needles because they are cheap and their logo is embarrassingly terrible!

For mags I use 9s, 11s, 13, and a couple types of 7s. Anything bigger than a 9 has to be curved for me, or I hate it!
Another thing I've always wanted to try is testing the difference between long and short taper needles. The theory is that the long taper (sharp) needles will make smaller holes and smoother gradients in color blending and B&G work, while the short (natural) taper needles slam in color and are great for solid blocks. I also have shown here a bugpin 9 mag (which is going to sit in a 7 mag tube). If you don't know what bug pin needles are, they are actually smaller diameter pins laid in the exact same configuration as larger ones, so each needle pokes more, smaller, closer together holes in the skin. I had an opportunity to use the bugpin 9 on my chrome wrench, piston memorial tattoo yesterday. I was absolutely thrilled to death with it, I hope I get to do some more ink today! I have a customer who came in yesterday asking about a half sleeve with a landscape. It would be perfect for these new needles I've been playing with.
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