I used this "stencil stuff" on the sign on the right, but not on the left. This stuff works too good. You have to be careful where you use it because on something like this it's still going to be there when the tattoo is done. The transfer is thicker than the lines I applied so it's thicker looking. The only bad thing about this is the transfer may be filling holidays (blank spots) that you'd be able to see easily otherwise.
This is what he described. I wish I would have gotten the gray shading smoother in the rays. I told him to come back after it heals. Hopefully he does. I think I could smooth everything out.
Hmm. The picture's a little blurry when this is blown up. The most important lesson I learned on this one, that I think I've been trying hard to conform to, is to keep the tattoo clean the whole time I'm tattooing. I think this would have come out better if I'd done that. This is also the perfect style of tattoo to use the too good "stencil stuff" on.

This lady had the little flowers in the front and wanted something wispy and girly going up her leg. I did some of the background stuff blurry to make the foreground stuff pop. I'd like to spend more time on this. I also redid the front flower (the two little blue ones behind it are new. She LOVED the tattoo, in fact, she gave me a $100 tip... WOO HOO!
5 guys (a wrestling team) came in to get matching butt tattoos. This is what they got. Whatever.. 'nuff said.
Been a while since anyone has gotten a GD tattoo. I wish I could have done the perimeter outline thicker... but all my tubes were used up and this lady was extremely impatient about dealing with the pain of the tattoo so I really just wanted to hurry up and get it done for her, which was, sadly, her biggest concern as well.
This is called a "snug", apparently. I did it today even though I've never seen it done. For any interested in piercing here's how you do it... poke a hole in someone with a big needle, fill the hole with jewelry. There.. you're ready to pierce.... OK< there's a little more than that to it, but for the most part that's the idea. Keep it straight and treat every piercing like you care. I actually think there a lot of fun, but then again, I've never really had anything go wrong with one yet.
I was really working on getting my B&G smooth on this. The swirly filigree stuff on the bottom is shaky because she kept having some involuntary nerve shakes going on when I hit that area, down by the leathery part of the foot.
Fitzpatrick. I did two back to back foot tattoos today. I actually spelled her name wrong EEAK! I freaked out (inside). I played it cool though, what I did is put an "r" where the "z" is. Sometimes when you're tattooing you're so focused on getting the lines right that you don't think about the fact that it's also a letter. Well thank God the "z" fit perfectly over the "r". She never new and was absolutely thrilled to death with the tattoo!
Thanks again for checking out my post.