Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pics n' Thoughts 4

I only did the bull dog on this.  The customer was difficult,  a really nice guy but he was very particular about the design.  I wish I could have a healed pic of this one.  It's going to be covered in an inch of chest hair eventually.  I should have balanced the face a little better and the bow tie too.  That would have made it look a lot cleaner.   

This is an all white tattoo.  I tried to talk her out of it but she wanted it the way it is.  She wanted it to be hard to see and to look like some of the scars on her arm.  She was an older lady, older than me anyway.  She's happy with it.  One thing I was having trouble with was the ink staying white.  For some reason the white ink would pick up a faint gray tone after I dipped the needle in it a few times.  I can't imagine why, I ultrasonic, and scrub the hell out of my tubes then inspect them very carefully before autoclave them so it can't be residual ink.  The tubes and needles I use are top quality surgical stainless steel, I don't think there is metal/chemical reaction changing the color.  It's really subtle, but there's no question, the ink was graying when I touched it again.

I like to hand write names and short sayings.  This one's about 6-8 inches.  I did it for $50.  It took 10min.

Alright, this is the last one for today.  These old ladies are cool!  They're both in their 60's. The one on the left was driving past a tattoo shop shortly after she turned 57 and said to her self, "I'm gonna try that out."  Now she has half a dozen little ones and she talked her buddy there on the right into getting one on her hand!  They were acting like a couple of teenage kids in the shop having a grand time and really enjoying life!  Pleasure to meet you ladies!

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