Liner: 3 rd
Shader: 9 rd
Time: 1 hr
Price: $125
This is a design she found online. It's pretty small but I took my sweet ass time trying to make it clean and crisp and solid. I also did a little experimenting on it because it's solid black so I figured it would be pretty easy to clean it up if I made a mistake. I out lined it first with a 3 rd. Normally I would use the biggest needle I thought I could get my little points sharp with (which would be a 7 or 8 in this case), but I haven't had a chance to run a 3 since I've been back to tattooing and I wanted to give it a shot. It wasn't such a good idea because I pretty much repulled most of the lines while filling it in with my round shader. I also played around with shading, trying multiple techniques, the tight little circles, the brush stroke (long line up, long line down, long line up, long line down), the snow shovel thing where you kind of go forward 5mm, back 2mm, forward 5mm. None of it really made a difference. I did ask her to MMS me a healed pic. I've been doing that with most of my customers lately so I can be sure their tats look good. Oh yeah, this lady wanted her tattoo upside down, I explained to her the orientation, but this is more and more common, usually with women, I think it's because their naturally narcissistic. (JK) Took an hour, she paid a buck twenty five and claimed to love it.

Liner: 7 rd
Time: 45 min (she could have had it done faster if she would sit still)
Price: $75
AAAAAaaarrrughgh!! I swear this script looked cool on paper but the lady could not sit still! I swear you would think she was on meth or something the way she kept moving. I thought she'd be tough, she had a tattoo on her face! She literally stood up after every dip and I tried my hardest to salvage it but I was doomed from the start.
Liner: 5 rd
Shader: 9 mag
Time: 30 min
Price: $50
I have to admit, I've never been great at line work. This line work is pretty shaky:/ If I do not lose focus for even a fraction of a second I can do better. This was pretty big, like 2.5 x 6 maybe, it only took half an hour though. Pretty simple. That gray is Eternal's "smoke". It's kind of a blue gray and I LOVE IT. Too bad I haven't had a chance to use it on something more artistic.
Liner: 7 rd
Shader: 9 mag
Time: 45 min on the first one and 30 on the second
Price: $150 total
These are "matching" green and blue lightning bolt yin-yang tattoos. Not much to say really. I was a little disapointed in Eternal's "toxic green". I think it was really thin and hard to put in solid. It looks bright as hell in the bottle. I lined these, then went back and ran white under the cracks and blended the colors over the white into the black which I had feathered near the crack lines so the colors will look the brightest in the center. They are supposed to send me healed pics too. Hope they do.
This is a lioness I drew up tonight. I want to tattoo it on Stephanie (my wife). I think I could actually do better on this style of tattoo than the N7 tattoo (above). Not quite ready for tattooing yet. Needs some more work. I'll draw it one more time first.